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14 February 2013 - TSN Platoon

Author: Time:2021-11-07111 second

Information summary:  My upcoming monsters in the making. Currently in pellet training mode.==comments==Cool 8 TSN in the current toyogo box isnt it too small for them currently?&...., marine blue, 75 gallon fi, Scale drop off due to jumping, basebll是什么意思.14 February 2013 - TSN Platoon

  My upcoming monsters in the making. Currently in pellet training mode.
8 TSN in the current toyogo box isnt it too small for them currently?
>Originally Posted by jerrme Cool
8 TSN in the current toyogo box isnt it too small for them currently? Not really. They are pretty small now and my toyogo box is those 2 footer type.Red Arowana Book(Red Arowana Back Scale$Red Arowana Black WaterRed Arowana water)Red arowana on black^Red Arowana Small Tank%Red dragon fish scared~Robin Blood Red Arowana:Lucky Dragon Fish?How to check red dragon fish! Salisbury Fish